Career Summary

by Bobbi Hughes
(Philadelphia, PA)

Could you please help me with a better summary? Here is mine below:

Dynamic professional with extensive experience in fraud and the insurance industry, with proven ability to work well under pressure and lead teams to reach successful goals in a multi-task environment. Effective communicator with rewarding results.

Detailed and Specific…

You are right on track with summarizing your experience and abilities. My recommendation is that you be more specific. Here are some ways that you can accomplish this.

Replace "extensive experience," with years of experience (ex. 12 years of experience in the fraud and insurance industries).

The statement, "proven ability to work well under pressure and lead teams to reach successful goals in a multi-task environment" is talking about 3 different topics: under pressure; led team to goals; multi-tasking.

Break them down and provide detail. Like this, for example…

  • Reduced fraud claim reporting by 20%, in a high-pressure, fast-paced environment.

  • Managed a team of insurance agents to exceed sales goals for 3 consecutive years.
Describe what you did in the fraud and insurance industry. Was it underwriting? Investigative work? Claims?

Add in some industry-specific keywords or buzzwords. This will help recruiters find your resume online as they use keywords to search for resumes.

It is a good idea to search online for job descriptions for your target job. Job descriptions are filled with keywords that you can place in your career summary, and throughout your resume, to show that you are knowledgeable about the job or the industry.

Once you have finalized your career summary, include specific accomplishments throughout your resume that "back up" the statements made in the career summary.

It is important to set yourself apart from the other hundreds of applicants who may have applied for the same job.

Detailed, specific, qualifications and accomplishments are the key.

Victoria E.

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